hexpanse - 2018.07.19.

Tom Vasel downgrades Hexpanse

Dear backers, After a long time of waiting, the Dice Tower youtube channel finally released it’s Hexpanse review, but unfortunately it is really not what we have been expecting:

We are sorry to learn that Tom Vasel did not like our game because he has been disappointed by the thematic of game, and did not get what he expected from the Hexpanse. Even if we had pointed out that this is an abstract tactical game, where the goal is to build a given formation while you try to create setbacks for the others, as you have to do in most mages. We believe that the sci-fi world and background we created for the game is not a negative, but a positive feature of the game.

Of course we understand that everyone is ought to have their own subjective opinion, but we have to say that we do not agree with most of the problems mentioned by Tom, and we believe that the game is neither terrible, nor boring. We’ve had hundreds of test games before it was published, and received dozens of reviews from both testers and players, and we have never encountered a critic as negative as this from Tom Vasel. In addition, we have to mention that Tom’s knowledge of the rules is not entirely correct, for example the Mercenaries do not get to the recovery ship once they are defeated – as it is mentioned three times in the rulebook. We believe that if he had spent a little more time getting to know the game maybe he wouldn’t have found it terrible.

Some of the players may find such things as using the face of our backers in the game, or a dice to represent the warlord’s life points to be a bothersome feature, but we would expect a little bore objective point of view from a critic, even if they do not like abstract games. All in all, we would like to ask everyone not to judge the game without first trying it, and to feel free to share their experiences, either good or bad, after they did, so everyone can find a more objective, collective opinion of Hexpanse. We have a BGG page also: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/204143/hexpanse


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